Welcome to the website of the Rumi Trail. The Rumi Trail runs from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan via Balkh in Afghanistan to Konya, Turkey. The foundation can be contacted for the latest details as we are in the early stages of setting up the trail and website.
Trail development is in full swing and as more info becomes available, it will be added.
Rumi Trail
Our journey begings in Nukus at the northern part of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. 1470 kilometers of adventure, culture, mystical experience through the cities of Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand to Termes.
In the coming period, we will explore more of the Rumi Trail in Turkey and reveal some of its myths and mystics.

Heart of the silk route
Rumi trail starts at the very heart of the Silk Road. Crossroads of routes, cultures, religions, civilazations and more.
100% Adventure
Pure adventure in unknown and uncharted territories..
Special Events

September 2023
Development Cycling Trail from Imranlı in province of Sivas to Konya in Turkey
Dream and you will find yourself in Imranli in the province of Sivas cycling through central Turkey to the tomb of Rumi in Konya.
We pass Sivas, Kayseri, Nigde and Karaman before entering Konya
Do you like to join? Send us an email.

Cycling Press Tour Turkey
Promotion tour of the brand new cycling route through Turkey with journalists and writers.